2007-10-11: Version of the calculator software
released. Introduced temporary local fonts (e.g. for LCD-like text
effects) and multiple links with additional URLs (for customized
calculators only). 2007-06-21: Version of the calculator software
released. Fixed an issue whereby multiple display configurations could
end up with several displays having the same unit if units were changed
during an exchange rate update. Also addressed an issue whereby a
different base (e.g. binary, octal, hex) could be selected with a
keyboard shortcut even on calculators without a base indicator. Updated
installer and added manifests for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.
2005-03-10: Version of the calculator software
released. Fixed an issue which affected the dragging and use of a
calculator window positioned to the top or left of the primary display
on multiple-display systems. 2005-01-04: Version of the calculator software released.
Features include new HTTP refresh technology and new Software Director.
2004-03-16: SkinCalc passes "Verified for Windows XP" testing by
VeriTest. 2004-01-20: Version of the calculator software released.
Integrated binaries with Windows Error Reporting (WER) system. 2003-12-12: December 2003 Skin Pack (single archive with 140+
skins) released. 2003-12-11: Version of the calculator software released,
featuring new functionality and enhanced integration between SkinCalc,
WorldCalc, Euro Calculator and Calculator Builder. New SkinCalc.com
officially open. 2003-11-17: New skin archive placed online for review by authors.
All skin authors have been contacted directly.
2003-10-29: First pages of new website placed online. Special
thanks to Maurizio for his help. 2002-02-10: Version 3.3 of the
calculator software released, featuring a modified installer (now with
automatic download of Windows Installer engine, if required), and
Software Director
for easier updates and skin downloads. Currency-enabled versions feature
better support for past and future EMU currencies (e.g. new option when
Reset Euro is selected). 2001-09-12: Version 3.2 of the
calculator software released, featuring new installer,
additional dual display and other enhanced skins. You can now press F5 to quickly change skin.
2001-09-05: Currency-enabled versions of the calculator software set to
use a new host (rates.cloanto.com) for exchange rate data provided by
Cloanto in consideration of increasing load related to currency data. 2001-08-01: Began beta testing version 3.2
of the calculator software, featuring a dual
display and integration with
Calculator Builder
technology to allow for even more sophisticated
customization. 2001-03-21: Version 3.1 of the calculator software released. New Round function (shown in
new Euro Shop skin), new documentation format, and revised German user
interface texts. In currency-enabled versions by default unusual currency fluctuations now generate a
warning rather than an error event. 2001-01-01: Version 3.0 of
the calculator software released. In the currency-enabled versions the Greek drachma
was added as a built-in EMU currency, with constant exchange rate as
specified by the European Central Bank. 2000-11-09: Began beta
testing version 3.0 of the calculator software, featuring translucent skins (on Windows 2000 and
higher), support for base conversion
(HEX, DEC, OCT and BIN can be selected as units, in addition to currencies
in currency-enabled versions) and system tray icon. 2000-10-30: Minor revision
of the calculator software released. Added keyboard shortcuts
for Copy and Paste. 2000-04-21: Version 2.2 of the calculator
software released. Fixed a bug in the Options... property sheet which could
cause a minor memory leak upon program exit. In the currency-enabled
versions a condition was solved whereby a RAS-related error
message could appeared even if dial-up functionality was not required, and
code was brought up-to-date with new
Currency Server
features. 1999-09-02: Version 2.1 of the calculator software released. 1999-06-22:
Registered SkinCalc.com. 1999-04-10: Version 2.0 of the calculator
software released. 1999-01-10: Version 1.0 of the calculator
software released (distributed as Euro Calculator). Other than an HP
calculator emulator supporting skins which we know of, we believe this to
be the first skinnable calculator. Our first contacts with Skinz.org (our
reference site for 1998-1999) pre-dated the release of any other
calculator on that site. |